Time Evaluation error – ‘error no. 83’

Here we will discuss the following error message:
” Error entry no. 83 Error when creating Absence Quota”
” A Complex application error”

The ‘error no. 83’ can only occur in the following scenarios:
1. If a quota type that was to be generated was deleted.
2. If an employee has an organizational reassignment to a personnelsubarea or employee subgroup which have different groupings for quotatypes and for these groupings the ‘old’ quota type does not exist.

Function QUOTA checks to determine if the quota types to be generated are valid. If the quota type is not valid anymore (see reason 2) thenyou will get a warning message.

To avoid that message you should customize table T556A as my colleaguealready explained you (“… by defining a dummy quota type for the ‘old’groupings of the employee…”). Please notice that table T556A is acustomizing table.

check the customising tables T556A T559D
or check via rptquota_check if the employee has correct quota in the system

You need to delimit the old quota
for example
For this personnel number I can see an organizational change which means that RPTIME00 is trying to generate a quota for a validityinterval during which the employee belongs to two different groupings,due to the transfer.By groupings here I mean the “Employee Subgroup Grouping for Time QuotaTypes” and the “Personnel Subarea Grouping for Time Quota Types

you can refer the solution here in notes – 484834, 318622

Default work Schedule – SCHKZ

If you are assigning a Planned working time to an employee for the first time, you can use this feature SCHKZ to generate a default work schedule according to the employee’s organizational assignment.The feature is used in assigning the work schedule rule (general) defined for particular personnel sub area. Whenever any action is run, the IT 0007 is updated with the default work schedule assigned in the feature.

IMG Path:

IMG >Time management>Work schedule>Planned working time.


1.Click on the sub node “ Set default value for the work schedule”

2. Maintain the feature SCHKZ

3. Putting the cursor on the feature and then select the options “Create” . Then select the option field for decision operation and select WERKS (personnel area)

4. Then select all the personnel area relevant to the Sree’s Group. To each of the PA select its corresponding PSA. (BTRTL)

5. Then maintain the respective work schedule rule against all the selected PSA

6. After creating all the work schedule rule against the PSA click on the check button before you activate it

7. Save the settings .

Time Constraints in HR Master Data



Time constraints guarantee that exactly the data the system needs to be able to correctly process the employee data, handle personnel administration processes and run payroll for an employee is available in the system. Time constraints keep you from storing mutually incompatible data and prevent gaps from occurring in the data history.


You use time constraints to define the following:

· Whether an infotype record must exist for an employee in the system

· Whether further records of the same infotypes may exist

· Whether these records can overlap in the validity period.

For certain infotypes, you can also assign different time constraints in relation to the infotype’s subtype.

When you enter infotypes, the system automatically checks if your input satisfies the time constraints’ conditions, and reacts by automatically delimiting data records or issuing error messages.



· Time Constraint 1

For the entire time that the employee works at the enterprise, exactly one valid infotype record must exist. The validity periods of the individual records must not overlap. When you create a new record, the system automatically uses the start date of the new record as the delimitation date of the old record. Gaps are only allowed between the employee’s entry date and the start date of the first record.

Time constraint 1 must be used for all of the infotypes containing information that must be available at all times. This is particularly true of personal and organizational assignment data.



An Organizational Assignment infotype record (0001) must exist for all active or inactive employees in the SAP System. The system needs the data stored in this infotype for all business processes.

In addition, this data must be unique, in other words, the system must know precisely to which organizational units the employee belongs. That’s why only one record may exist at the same time.


· Time Constraint 2

No more than one valid record can exist at any one time. Records with constraint 2 must not overlap. Their existence is not obligatory. When you create a new record, the system delimits the previous record, if one exists. If the system delimits a record because of time constraint 2, it issues an appropriate message.


· Time Constraint 3

Any number of valid records can exist at any one time. The individual records do not conflict with each other.



In the Powers of Attorney infotype (0030), you can store different powers of attorney. That’s why any number of records for this infotype can exist at the same time. Since not every employee in your company has powers of attorney, a record for this infotype does not have to exist in the system.


· Time Constraint A

Infotypes with time constraint A must have no more than one record. The system automatically assigns the record a validity period from January 01, 1800 through December 31, 9999. This validity period cannot be subdivided.

Infotype records with time constraint A cannot be deleted.


· Time Constraint B

Infotypes with time constraint B must have no more than one record. The system automatically assigns the record a validity period from January 01, 1800 through December 31, 9999. This validity period cannot be subdivided.

Infotype records with time constraint B can be deleted.


· Time Constraint T

Infotype records with time constraint T depend on the subtype.



For the Addresses infotype (0030), you can assign a different time constraint for each subtype. In this way, you can make sure that a main address always exists for the employee and you can also enter temporary residences, if necessary.


· Time Constraint Z

The infotypes you use for entering working and absence time have a special time constraint behavior. For more information, see Time Constraints in Time Management.

CATS – Tables

CATSCO Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)- Transfer to CO 

CATSDB CATS- Database Table for Time Sheet (What you see in CADO is the view of table CATSDB)

CATSHR Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)- Transfer to HR 

CATSMM Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)- Transfer to MM 

CATSPM Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)- Transfer to PM/CS 

CATSPS Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)- Transfer to PS 

PTEX2000 – CATS transfer table/interface table to IT 2001/2002 (attendances/Absenses)

PTEX2010 – Interface Table for EE Remuneration Info. Infotype (2010)

PTEXDIR – human resources directory table

SAP HR Time Management – Contents

Time Management Basics

Configuration Steps in Time Management

Important Transaction Codes in Time Management

Absence Quota – explained with an example

Configuration for Absence Quota

Generating Time Quota every 6 months


Important Terms in Time management



CATS – for beginners

CATS – Transaction codes

CATS – Configuration Steps

CATS – Transfer to PS

CATS – Integration with mobiles, telephones, other devices

Creating a custom field in CATS

Time Management Basics (Personnel Time Management – PT)

Personnel Time Management (also known as PT) offers functionality to record working times and absences for employees, shift/workforce planning, shift administration, time evaluation (attendances, absences, overtime and bonus wages), etc. 


Data entry method

PT supports online data entry, time recording systems and other self service applications.


Who enters Time data?

PT supports data entry by time data administrators, decentralized data entry (eg. by production supervisors) or by employees themselves.


How is Time Module integrated with other modules? (Very important interview question)

Time Module is integrated with HR modules such as payroll and Training and event management. It is also integrated with other non-HR modules such as Controlling, logistics, CATS, etc. See below table for some business scenarios where time in integrated with other modules.

Integration with Module



To calculate gross payroll based on attendance and absence times

Training and Event Management

Organize events based on availability data


Using attendance and absence information (availability) for

capacity planning and order scheduling


Using employee-related confirmations from Logistics in Time



Timesheets are captured and transferred to Time Module (updates employee’s infotypes)


Allocating work and assigning personnel costs according to the source


Time and Organizational Structure

Grouping Personnel sub-areas and employee sub-areas are very important concept which needs to be understood. Several personnel sub-areas can be combined so that special processing rules can be defined for these groupings. These groupings allow the functional consultants to reduce the amount of time spent on setting up work schedules, absence rules, attendance rules, etc. In case a number of personnel sub-areas have the same work schedules those are grouped together. There can be different groupings for different reasons – i.e. grouping for work schedule can be different from the grouping for daily work schedule. Grouping for time quotas can be different availability.


  1. We can have special rules for each employee sub-groups, or each personnel sub-areas or each employee as well by defining a different group for each personnel sub-area or employee sub-groups.
  2. Certain PA infotypes need to be maintained for the configuration of Time Management. The most important infotype is organizational Assignment (0001) – this contains personnel area, personnel sub-area, employee group and employee sub-group.

You can use the groupings of employee subgroups and personnel subareas to:

• Define different work schedules

• Assign special rules for availability and substitutions

• Permit only certain attendance and absence types

• Specify special processing rules for time data evaluation and payroll

Employee subgroup groupings

For Time Quota Types

For Work Schedules

For Personnel Calculation Rules


Personnel subarea groupings

For Time Quota Types

For Work Schedules

For daily work schedules

For Substitution/Availability types

For attendances/absences

For attendance/absence counting

For premiums

For time recording


Employee groupings


Time Evaluation

For time wage type selection

For time type determination

For dynamic daily work schedule assignment

For Substitution/Availability types

For checking value limits

For automatic absence quota accrual

For absence valuation


Creating custom fields in CATS

To add a few fields in main CATS data entry screen, add those fields in structure CI_CATSDB (This structure is customer extension of the CATSDB table). Assign these fields to the data entry profile.

1. In the IMG, go to Create Customer Fields, then Make Field Assignment,
which takes you to table TCAFI. Create your custom field there, and SAP
will assign a number. This Step will add the field to
the CATS.

2. In Create Customer Fields, go to Add customer fields to field selection. (These screens are confusing)
In the Data entry section, you need to enable your custom field in both the Influencing and Modifiable sections. “Modifiable” is a
global setting; click the radio button to allow input for “Additional
field 1″. Then go to the influencing screen, enter your CATS profile,
and allow input for “additional field 1”. So I suggest to make sure you
have this field enabled for input in both the influencing and modifiable

Now you should see the field in the CATS timesheet.

Integration of CATS with mobile phones, telephones, touch screen kiosks, biometrics

Collecting time data using the access cards and card readers are popular in today’s corporations. Some clients have requirements where they want to integrate a variety of devices – these include biometrics, touch screen kiosks, blackberry, mobile phones, PDA, telephones, RF terminals, etc. For example, some courier companies have implemented this (Canada Post). As SAP does not offer this functionality inherently – this can be achieved with some help from SAP technical consultants. There are also some companies which provide software to bridge this functionality (example: Timelink).


RPTIME00 and RPTQTA00 are used in Time Management module to generate absence quotas. These absence quotas are stored in infotype IT2006.


For Running Time evalaution, Time and Attendance Accrual.

is used for +Ve and -Ve Time both

Specifically for Quota balance creation

With RPTIME00 we can see the entire log. But we could not see the log with RPTQTA00


  • Accrued absence quotas are one which needs to be credited to employee account, say if he completes six months from his date of joining and this is achieved by running RPTIME00 using PT60 transaction.
  • Advance absence quotas are one which gets credited to employee account on his first date of joining and these are generated through RPTQTA00 program.

Settings to be maintained in IMG: Table: V_556A_B

  • Increase should be maintained for RPTIME00
  • No generation should be maintained for RPTQTA00

In addition to generation of absence quotas, RPTIME00 also generates Time wage types, Time balances etc.  

To generate quota for six months through time evaluation

Solving this with an example from real scenario

3 Quota to be generated through time evaluation.
1. CL, should be generated for calendar year (i.e., 01.01.2009-31.12.2009)
2. EL, should be generated once in 6 months {(i.e., 01.01.2009-30.06.2009 1st block of the current year, and then to 01.07.2009-31.12.20092nd block of the current year)} any leave balance in the 1st block should be carried forward to 2nd block and leave balance of 2nd block carried forward to the 1st block of next year and the limitation is 300 EL.
3. HPL, should be generated once in 6 months (i.e., 01.01.2009-30.06.2009 1st block of the current year, and then to 01.07.2009-31.12.20092nd block of the current year)} any leave balance in the 1st block should be carried forward to 2nd block and leave balance of 2nd block carried forward to the 1st block of next year

configure Table V_T559L “Define Generation Rules for Quota Type SelectionAbsence Quota”

01 For the CL > Accural Period Tab you have to select Time Evaluation Period, and in Transfer Time Tab select Calendar Period.
02 For EL > Accural Period Tab you have to select Time Evaluation Period and in Transfer Tab select other period and give six months , for this Six months you have to Define Period Parameter and assign here.
03 For HPL you can proceed same as step 2.

For Leave Carry forward , copy the Rule TQTR and use VARSTCURMO & VARSTREDY Operation to carry forward the Leaves once in a six months.