SAP HR Questions – Set 3

OM Questions || HR questions Set 1 || HR questions Set 2 || HR questions Set 3 ||HR questions Set 4 || HR questions Set 5 || HR questions Set 6

What do you mean my a Task and where do you assign and How?

Task is a description of an activity in Organizational Management which is performed within an organizational unit.

one can assign an organizational unit, job, position, person (employee) or user a task in order to describe their function in an enterprise. A task which you assign, represents a characteristic of an object.

What is an Org’s assignment and Org’l Plan, what is the difference between them?

Plan versions are scenarios in which one creates organizational plans.
In the plan version which you have flagged as the active plan version, you create your current valid organizational plan. This is also the integration plan version which will be used if integration with Personnel Administration is active.
As a rule, a plan version contains one organizational structure, that is, one root organizational unit. It is, however, possible to create more than one root organizational unit, that is more than one organizational structure in a plan version. Organizational assignment is assigning the persons i.e., employees to certain position according to organizational structure and plan.

How many structures are there in OM?

In the SAP System one can use several structures to represent the legal and organizational structure of your company. You can structure from the point of view of accounting, materials management, and sales and distribution. It is possible to combine these structures. The organizational structures form a framework in which all business transactions can be processed

What do you mean by reporting Structure?

Reporting structure is the organized hierarchical structure where the different positions (persons) will have to report to various positions according to your organizational structure.

What is the difff between Simple Maintenance and Detailed Maintenance? and which one you used in your project?

Simple Maintenance in Expert Mode is one of the methods you can use to develop and model organizational plans in the component Organizational Management with speed and efficiency. Besides mapping your current organizational and reporting structure, Simple Maintenance gives you flexible tools to plan and model future structural changes well in advance. SAP Business Workflow users do not need all the functions available in Organizational Management. For this reason, the original concept behind Simple Maintenance was to provide a tool that allows users to build and maintain organizational plans, with speed and simplicity. For Organizational Management users, Simple Maintenance is best used to establish the basic framework in organizational plan development.

Simple Maintenance uses a tree structure, which allows you to create a basic framework for organizational plans, using streamlined procedures. In this way, one can create ones organizational and reporting structures step by step.

What are the building blocks in OM and where do you assign them?

Organizational units, Positions Tasks, Persons , etc, are the building blocks of O&M. you create them as part of your organizational plan.

What do you mean by work centre and Cost center? Where do you assign them. And how many Cost centres can we assign?

Cost centre is an object used to refer to work centre activities are going on from cost point of view which is important from cost point of view. Work centers are the objects (physical locations) where actual work takes place

How do you transfer Org’l Assignment from PA to PD? (Answer for this is a bit diff, try it) 

I think this can be done by editing your staff assignment. Here you can decide which positions belong to the organizational unit.

What are the info types you used in OM?

From 1000 to 1999

What are the infotypes used for time management?

2001 absenses

2002 attendances

2003 substitutes

2004 availability

2005 overtime

2006 absence quota

2007 attendance quota

2010 employee remuneration information

2011 time events

2012 time transfer specification

2013 quota correction

2050 annual calender

2051 monthly calender

2500 pesonnel work schedule time

2501 employee time and labour data

How do you create an evaluation path?

Evaluation paths are created in organizational management Customizing under basic settings. One or more relationships form the navigation paths for an evaluation. These enable us to report on and display structural information, for example, organizational structure or the reporting structure. We can create alphanumeric evaluation paths with a maximum of 8 characters starting with Z.

What is an infotype?

Well an infotype in short is a “type of information”. It is a set of logical data grouped according to subject matter, eg. Addresses (organization assignment, personal data, addresses, planned working time, basic pay, bank details, etc.) infotype, contains name, first name, Address for correspondance, Permanant address, city ……so on. There are over 5000 infotypes exists. The infotypes can be created, changed, copy, delimit, deleted..

We can create infotypes useing the following path:

Org Mgt->expert mode->(Object) The Maintain(object) screen appears
In plan version and object fields enter data as required . In the infotype field , select the infotype you want to create,Using the tab pages select the status the new infotype record

Choose Edit->create infotype

Enter appropriate fields and save….

Explain the uses of the simple maintenance interface?

Simple Maintenance is used when Staff assignments and reporting structure are to be changed. There are three main areas in Simple Maintenance. Each area contains particular maintenance functions, depending on whether you want to edit organizational structure, staff assignments or task profiles. For Organizational Management users, Simple Maintenance is best used to establish the basic framework in organizational plan development. For complete, detailed editing of individual organizational objects in your organizational plan (editing particular positions or organizational units, for example), we recommend that you switch to Info-type Maintenance. Simple maintenance uses a tree structure, which allows you to create a basic framework for organizational plans, using streamlined procedures. In this way, we can create an organizational and reporting structures step by step.

What is the use of INFOGROUPS?

The infotype group (commonly known as infogroup) guarantees that during the personnel action, all information needed for the business processes is stored. The infogroup is processed when you perform a personnel action.

– An infogroup exists in the standard system for every personnel action type.

– In Customizing for Personnel Administration, you can tailor the make-up of the various infogroups to the requirements of your company.

– You can define infogroups as user-group dependent.

Infogroups are used in Personnel Actions to define a set of sequencial infotypes that you would be using while performing an action. For example, when you hire, you would want to use IT0000,0001,0002,0006,0007,0008 etc in a sequence- in a particular order. So define an Infogroup for this purpose which contains all these infotypes, their order of execution and the user groups it is applicable for. Then you assign this infogroup to the action that you had defined.

What is PROCESSING CLASS, where we do them and why?

Wage type characteristic that determines how processing is conducted during the payroll run.

What is EVALUTION PATH, where do we do it and why?

A chain of relationships between objects in a hierarchical structure.
for eg. O-S-P(Organization->Position->Person).


Payroll process(program) is run at a specific point in time, not only to calculate an employee’s basic remuneration but also any special payments, overtime payments or bonuses that must be effected for the period in question.

SAP HR Interview Questions – Set 2

OM Questions HR questions Set 1 HR questions Set 2 HR questions Set 3 HR questions Set 4 HR questions Set 5 HR questions Set 6

Q: We are in the service industry and have employees working in multiple cities on the same day. The system seems to allow one taxing authority per day. But the taxing authority needs to be picked up from the Service Order ideally . Can we achieve this?

A: You can create multiple infotypes 0208 (work tax area) for the same employee and the same day. Use the ‘allocation percent’ field . There is no integration however between time management and the work tax area. You may copy infotype 0208 to IT 9208. Infotype 0208 may be used to store the default work tax area and IT 9208 may be used to store the multiple work tax area. Create IT 9208 based on data from your external time management system.

Q: We use clocking machine for recording employee clock-in/out . All the data is stored in a ‘flat’ file which is supposed to be uploaded into SAP. When tried to open and read the flat file using OPEN DATASET and READ DATASET commands, the Sy-subrc value returned is 8 and the error message ‘the specified file not found’ is displayed. We checked the path and the file is in the correct location. What is missing?

A: Check the path once again. Check the upper and lower cases. Define you parameter file name like filename-fileextern. Depending on the place where the flat file resides, the procedure varies. OPEN DATASET is used for upload of file from the host system. If your flat (text) file is on the PC, you can use the function WS_UPLOAD which will upload your text file into an internal table. This internal table data can be loaded into SAP. The syntax is as follows:

FILENAME = pcfile
FILELENGTH = fileleng
DATA_TAB = internal table name
Please note that you have to specify the pcfile of length 128.

Q: We want to make a copy of an organizational structure from one plan variant to another. This copy should include all assignments like purchasing groups to organizational units made in PFOM . Can we do this?

A: Make sure that the plan number is established through the IMG. (And that it is not the active plan.)
Go Human Resources -> Organizational Management Tools -> Plan version -> Copy.
It runs RHCOPL00. All or any portion of the plan maybe copied and manipulated and then copied back in to the active plan.

Q: We have a requirement to calculate leave entitlement at the anniversary year not calendar year. The leaves have both paid and unpaid components. The paid component is based on time worked. The unpaid component is based on years of service. Leave taken is reduced from both entitlements depending on employee’s request. We are using a Schema based on TM04 which calls Cycles TS15, TS10. What is th ebest way to handle this?

A: You can use field ‘DAUER’ for seniority based vacation entitlement in the VAC01->VAC99 features. Time worked is not part of the feature structure (PME03). However you may create your own source code to make a decision on any field even if it does not belong to the feature structure. Check feature VAC01.

Q: We have multiple ORGs as we have many subsidiaries of our Parent company. These subsidiaries are defined as ORG and are assigned an ORG-ID. Within each ORG, we have Divisions (e.g. Human Resources, Finance, Materials etc.) and within each division we have Departments (e.g. Payroll, Labor Relations, etc.). We plan to use Personnel Development( PD). What is that we have to consider in this case?

A: You have to consider how the company wants to see its reports while designing the HR organizational structure in PD. You have address the question: for headcount or regulatory reports to which level does the company need to report, to the division, department, group or team level. You have to design the SAP organizational structure to support the lowest level required. Lower the more levels of detail, the more maintenance required.

Q: How can we configure the options for the Assgn Form. No. field on Infotype 210. It is the alternate formula to assign tax field and we have been unable to locate the table in the IMG to edit the options.

A: Options for the BSI Tax Formula can not be configured.
Possible entries are available in BTXFORM, and they depend on the ‘tax authority’ ( BTXAUTH) and the ‘tax type’ (BTXTAXT). Use data dictionary to check existing entries. This data comes from BSI. Tax calculations are done in the
BSI programs (via RFC from the USTAX function in the payroll schema).

Q: We are using the US HR/PAYROLL module. We are able to create the entry to credit the accrued payroll account. But our check writing process does not produce any accounting entries when we create a pay check or run our EFT process(RFFOUS_T). Should RFFOUS_C produce an accounting entry to debit the payroll payable account and credit the cash account ?

A: RFFOCUS_C does not produce any accounting entries. During the FI/CO interface run , 559 wage types may be posted to your cash account

Q: We have approximately 10000 zip codes. We want to relate the eligibility group to the zip code. We do not want to create 20000 eligibility groups. Which is the best way to configure basing eligibility for HMO’s on zip codes?

A: Try to group the zip codes by the HMO’s they belong to. Then create benefit groups and programs for the unique combinations. You can create as many benefit groups as required and use the employee zipcode to select the benefit group the employee is eligible for. You may also look at user exit 2.

Q: We are using the PAI user exit in MP000800 screen 2000 to modify the BET01 field. After modifying the value, the value is not re displayed. However the updated value is saved on commit. Why the value is not displayed after modification?

A: Yes. It is True. You may have to apply OSS.

SAP HR Interview Questions – Set 1

OM Questions HR questions Set 1 HR questions Set 2 HR questions Set 3 HR questions Set 4 HR questions Set 5 HR questions Set 6

Q: We have this problem at work, on the org. side the new jobs are there but when we check in infotype 1 it does not pull through. We’ve tried doing the updates using the LSMW and also a programme but nothing helped. We’ve tried to run RHINTE30 but still it does not update infotype 1 record. The PLOGI ORGA switch is on. Where can we check or what can we do to fix this problem

A: Hope that is to facilitate the workflow process.That is if you need the flow either up ward only or downward only. Also it may be useful in ESS, MDT/MSSfor leave and attendance, appraisals, HR info of the employee and updation, etc.,see the switches if it is related to jobs on the switches not only orga textc,texto,texts switch on and try it it will come it wont work out onlywith orga

Q: Where can we see the integrations is switch on, is there a table?

A: Use T77s0 for PLOGI ORGA.

Q: Can u tell me how to find the UGR of an country?

A: To find User Group, Go to System -> User Profile -> > Own Data ->> Parameters -> UGR
IMG > Personnel Management > Personnel Admin > BasicSettings > User Parameters

Q: How can we give abscence quota’s for a group of employees.

A: I known that by running the report RPTQTA00 we can give but what are the customizations we have to do in IMG

Q: Creation of wage type

A: See you can create wage type in> PM—-PA—-Payroll dat—-basic> pay—-wagetypes—create Wt catalogue./
Wage> type group>
For running a payroll you need to create a payroll areas and that you need to fine with client about his requirement.

Q: I want the T-code of that window where it asks for evaluation path. I want to generate the report in OM.

A: Transaction S_AHR_61016529 or program RHNAVIG0.

Q: How to find the UGR of an country?

A: An UGR would be only to users, as thename indicates is a User Group and is not related to a country.If you want to find the user group of a person, then you can go to:
System->User Profile->Own Data-> Parameters.Here you can find the UGR settings for the user.

Q: Do you want to know the country grouping (molga)

A: Then see “Mol” in *System->User Profile->Own Data-> Parameters screen
If you are looking for Usergroup then See UGR
An UGR would be only to users, as the name indicates is a User Group and is not related to a country.If you want to find the user group of a person, then you can go toSystem->User Profile->Own Data-> Parameters.Here you can find the UGR settings for the user.

Q: I have to create a root organisation unit in Development system. Now I want to transport the changes to Test and production system. The Transport settings in The IMG is ‘X’ that no transport request should be generated. So, is it advisable to change the settings to blank and then develop the transport request and arrange the settings back to normal once the transport request is generated for PPOCE.

A: If you only need to create one root object, it’s simpler to do it manuallly in all three systems. Don’t forget to check the range number in all the systems, though.

Q: Or is there any other way to transport the changes made in PPOCE or shall I do that manually in every system. I have to only create a Root organisational unit with same object Id in all the systems.

A: Just find with the basis consultant he will make it for you. Give sugestion becoz generally we release the transport request in dev. server from there the basis consutlant will transport to QAS and production server. There are so many transport request goes to system. So if it get jam. You can tell your basis consultant to restart server. Then it will be clear.

Q: I need to execute one scenario. “Coordinators will try to book one employee for one business event, but on that day he will be on leave”, what should be the process incase I need to see that the person is not booked.

A: For checking whether the person is booked or not, go to transaction psv1

Q: Can somebody explain me with examples about the following terms?
– Staffing Status
– Staffing Percent
– Percentage Approved
– Percentage Reserved

A: This is reg your 4 terminologies staffing status is related to “position” in OM as vacancy, or no vacancy or obselete etcstaffing percentage is related to a particular personnel no . Its stored in Relationship table HRP1001. You can understand that some % of working time is spent in specified position.the other 3 terminologies “percentage approved and “percentage reserved” to be explored.

Q: First of all we wanna tell you what we are doing step by step. After logon process, we entered the transaction code PM01 to access “Create InfoType” screen. Then we selected the tab “SingleScrn” to generate new objects into existing infotype. To do this, we entered “0005” as infotype no and “YU” as infotype version for Serbia. And then we just clicked on the button “Generate Objects” which exists right hand side of the screen.We got the error message “HCMT_BSP_PA_YU_R0005 does not exist”.

A: IT0005 is a standard IT and already exists, you cannot CREATE it. If you want to create a customer infotype, it has to start with 9*.

Linking Employee Photos using SAP Archive Link

Linking employee photos (Assign Facsimiles in transaction PA30) using SAP Archive link functionality (not through ESS).

1) CUstomizing steps 

IMG – Personnel management – personnel administration – customizing user interfaces – change screen header.

Regarding the archiving part – Basis admin to set that up for document type HRICOLFOTO.

2) Photo in the PA IT0002 In version 4.0B

1. Define physical archives using transaction OAC0 Arx. ZZ

2. Assign objects types & document types to archive & documents tables for Obj PREL , doc.type HRIEMPFOTO, Arx. ZZ using transaction OAC3

3. Define number range using transaction OANR

4. Using transaction OAC2 define doc.typ & tech doc types for exmpl. HRIEMPFOTO – TIF

5. Create protocol for Archive link using transactions OAA3 for exmpl. Comm.prot.,version. Generate it will define application type from list and so on.

6. In the table 585O define relevant infotype for object and document type for exmpl. for it0002

7. Using transaction OAAD create link for PERNR with relevant infotype & files on the server, which described on the first step.


In addition to any infotype fields you can also include passport photos of your employees in the infotype header in Infotype Header Definition view (T588J).

In the System Table view (T77S0), determine the document type with which you want to enter the passport photos in the optical archive.

Still does not work? try as suggested below:

When I execute the OAAD transaction the result is ok, but when I look at PA30 I can´t see the photo.

In PA30 if I look by “Extras-> display all facsimiles” the photo appears correctly, so the photo is assigned to the employee number.

Then my problem is in the initial screen in PA20, PA30,…

From an OSS message from SAP:

For using an employee picture in the PA20/PA30 please check that you have a correct customization for the infotype header.

For further information please have a look at the corresponding point in the customizing for ‘Personnel Administration’ – ‘Define Dynpro header’.

You have to check the table T588J and T77S0 (define document type for pictures). Additionally, remember that the photo should be in JPG format.”

You may find helpful note 353949.

T588J could look like:

00 1 60 0001 PERNR PIC

Employee Areas/SubAreas

Employe Group – The employee group subdivides employees into various categories
For e.g.

1. External

2. Active

3. Pensioner

Employee Subgroup – Employees are differentiated further within the employee group. Active employees are differentiated according to their status – trainee, hourly wage or salaried employee etc.

The employee subgroup grouping for the Personnel Calculation Rule allows you to define different payroll procedures for different employee subgroups,

for e.g. you can specify whether an employee pay should be accounted on an hourly or monthly basis.

IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Human Resources Management

-> Employee Groups

-> Employee Subgroups

SAP Organizational Management Q and A

1 ) What is the Difference between “Evaluation Paths and relationships “

An evaluation path describes a relationship chain that exist in a hierarchical structure between the objects (eg: O-S-P ). Relationship(1001) is an infotype generally applicable between two objects.

2) How many cost centers can we assign to a org unit ?
Generally we can assign only one cost center. It always refers to parent cost center.

3) What is difference between – Simple maintainence and Expert Mode?
Both the interfaces are used to create Org structure. If the company needs to create a huge structure, we will use Simple maintenance, because it is user friendly that is it is easy to create a structure, the system automatically relationship between the objects. Using Infotypes we can create Objects in Expert mode and we have to use different transactions to create various types of objects.

4) What could be a possible structure of a org unit, exg – if a organisation has branches in 34 countries and head quarters being in london, and having a work center or branch in bangalore, how do we relate sitting in banglaore to London mother company?
This can be done by Enterprise structure that is Personnel Area and Various Personnel Sub areas.

5) How many Company codes can a company can have at a time?
Any number.

6) How can one know if a position is vacant or occupied in a company?
We can identify the vacancy position in IT1007.

7) Can a junior employee report to 4 different supervisors, if yes, how?
There will be only one supervisor for a employee to report. In case of concurrent employement the employee can report to corresponding Administrator.

8) What is the difference between ” Job and Position”?
Job is not a concrete, it is General holding various task to perform.(Eg: Manager, GM).
Position is concrete and specific which are occupied by Persons. (Eg: Manager – Hr, GM – Hr).

9) What are the infotypes in OM – Please this is important
From 1000 to 1999.

10) What can a end user do in OM – if he can face a problem where can he face a problem ?? In regular intervals?
Creation of various objects like O,S,P,C,A. Creation of Org Structure.

11) How do you assign a single person for two roles, Can we assign or not?
Roles is the combination of transactions, reports and other files. We can assign any number of roles to a person.

12) How do you report level 4 person to level 1 person?
By creating relationship between the objects.

13) What do you mean my a Task and where do you assign and How?
Task are the work to be peroformed by the employee. We can assign task to job or position which finally inherit to the holder that is employee.

14) What is an Org’s assignment and Org’l Plan, what is the diff between them?
Org assig defines the PA,PSA,EE group, EE subgroup, Cost Center, Payroll area all the default assignment of the person.
Org plan is the structure of the Org.

15) How many structures are there in OM?
Be specific, if you want to know the various structures in HR, it is Org Structure, Enterprise Struc., Personnel Structure. If it is OM, We can create Org structure by using Org and Staffing interface, Expert mode, Simple Maintenance. We can create General Structure, Matrix.

16) What do you mean by reporting Structure?
Reporting structure is to view the reporting objects, that is who is reporting to whom.

17) What is the difff between Simple Maintenance and Detailed Maintenance? and which one you used in your project?
As already explained. Usage depends on the Company.

18) What are the buliding blocks in OM and where do you assign them?
There are totally five objects in building blocks of OM, that is O,C,S,P and Cost center. Using relationship we can assign them.

19) What do you mean by work centre and Cost center? Where do you assign them. And how many Cost centres can we assign? 
Cost center which controls and maintain the cost relevant activities of the company. It is controlled by FICO peoples. Work centers are the exact work location of the employee where the company doing the daily transactions.

20) How do you transfer Org’l Assignment from PA to PD(Answer for this is a bit diff, try it) you can maintain Org Assign using the IT0001.

21) What are the infotypes you used in OM?
As already explained from 1000 to 1999.

22) What is the Tcode to maintain the Standard roles?
Tcode: PFCG

23) What is the Tcode to Change the Standard roles?
Same Tcode : PFCG

24)What is the Tcode to Manintain the Org’l Plan.
It is depend on the interface you are using that is PPOME,PO10,PPOC_OLD, PP01. 

How to run an action – PA40

Here we depict how to run an action on an employee. Org-reassignment is depicted below. Similarly other actions as well can be executed.

During the course of a person employment, the employee may changes positions, cost centers, or is moved to another subsidiary and the organizational assignment need to be change.

Do take note that you cannot change the employee’s payroll area for a period for which the employee’s payroll has already run. You can only change the payroll area at the end of the payroll period.

In Personnel ActionsPA40 :-

1. Input the Personnel Number

2. Select Organizational reassignment and click the execute button

3. Input the Start date for the reassignment

4. Click the save button and the Position Change screen will appear

5. Save your entries

6. A number of infotypes screen will come up (normal working times, basic pay, etc). Fill in all the required details and save each of them.

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Structural Authorization vs Role Authorization

Main HR Authorization Object for Security

What is the difference between sturctural Authorization and Role Authorization. In what situation we need to maintain the Structural Authorization? For Role Authorization, we maintain it in PFCG. Where and how do we maintain Structural Authorization?

The role authorisation is used for regular authorisation. for example Transaction codes : PA20, PR20, CAT2,CADO, PPMDT, PR05 – It is done based on role assigned by Basis group.

The user id mentioned in IT 0105 is assigned to the TC PFCG

The structural authorisation is typically belongs to HR module. It has both benefits of positive and negative tests.

Steps to do Structural Authorisation:

Step1 : TC OOAC
Activate the Structural Authorisation switch

Step 2 : TC OOSP
Create Structural Authorisation profiles

Step 3 : Assign Structural Authorisation profile to user Id
TC : SE38 and assign report RHRPROFL0 enter object id for example ( Org unit )

Assign regular Role authorisation..

Role Authorization can be set on all Master Data Infotypes i.e. HR/Planning/Payroll/Tcode etc.

Structural Authorizations can be set for the administrator who is involved in different evaluations/accessing structures whether in OM/PD/TE etc. Ex ; Creating, Maintaining, delecting objects in structures. You have to run Report RHPROFL0 to generate Structural Authorizations and they are stored in PD Profile IT i.e. 1017.

If you are manually maintaning more than one S.Authorization profile for a position, you can use 1016 IT also.

For customization see IMG under OM-> Structural authorization. There are many criterias to be considered while creating Structural Authorization profile.

I noticed that in IT1016, we are assign the profile > at the position or org unit level while in PFCG, we assign it at the person level..the the user ID. Does that mean that in Structural Authorization, anyone that hold the position will have the same authorization? Can Structural Authorization stand alone without any role authorization?

Role authorisation is only for ITs access. Same way Structural authorization is only for Structures access..

Ex. An administrator who is supposed to access all employees in own department, role authorization will not help because Org Unit is an Object correct, so you need to use structural authorization…

Ex. If the same administrator is supposed to access all employees based on Ent.Strucutre/Pers.Stru. criterias, role authorization alone sufficient.

Ex. If the same administrator is supposed to access all employees in his own department but not managerial level, then you need both authorizations i.e. role and structural…

An administrator can be assigned both authorizations to access ITs and Objects…

Authorizations (both)can be assigned directly to the position (which is called Indrect Role Assignment) so that they will be assigned to the User automatically whoever occupies.. we donot need to generate each and everytime the user changes..

Main HR Authorization Object for Security

Some of the main HR authorisation objects are:

Object: PLOG Personnel Planning 

Fields: PLVAR Plan Version
OTYPE Object Type
INFOTYP Infotype
SUBTYP Subtype
ISTAT Planning Status
PPFCODE Function Code

The present object is used by the authorization check for PD data.

Field Details:
PLVAR – Plan version This field defines which plan version(s) the user may access.

OTYPE – Object type This field defines which object types the user may access.

INFOTYP – Infotype This field defines, which infotypes, that is, attributes, of an object the users (generally) may access.

SUBTYP – Subtype This field determines which subtypes the user may access for given infotypes.

Relationships are special subtypes for infotype 1001. Consequently, the relationships for which a user should have access authorization can also be limited in this field.

ISTAT_D – Planning status This field determines in which planning status the user may access information.

OKCODE – Function code This field defines for which type of information processing (Display, Change ) the user is authorized.

The possible values are defined in table T77FC. This protection against unauthorized access is extended by the structural authorization check. Two types of function codes are distinguished in HR management. By marking the processing method Maintenance in table T77FC the function codes are indicated, with which objects may be maintained within the structure; Otherwise, only Display is allowed.

The function code has effects in connection with the structural authorization. In table T77PR, authorization profiles can be indicated which are to have maintenance authorization for the structure. Without this authorization, you can only display structures. Consequently, the overall authorization results from the intersection between basis authorization and structural authorization.

Object: P_ABAP HR: Reporting

Fields: REPID ABAP Program Name
COARS Degree of simplification for authorization check


The authorization object HR reporting (P_ABAP) is used in many ways: 

HR Reporting with HR Reporting are reports with the RE.SAPDBPNP logical database PNP .
Report: RPUAUD00 Logged changes in infotype data Processing person-related data using payment medium programs from Accounting.

To 1. You can use the relevant authorization for these objects to control how the objects

UO.P_ORGIN HR: Master data (P_ORGIN), UO.P_ORGXX HR: Master data – extended check (P_ORGXX) and CHAP.OHIX0010 structural authorization check are used in specified reports to check the authorization for INFTY HR infotypes . In this way, you can carry out a fine-tuned control on reports for infotype authorization.

This can be useful for functional reasons or to improve performance at runtime of the corresponding reports.

For this object, specify the report name(s) and the degree of simplification to be used for the authorization check.


Note that this object differs from the object UO.S_PROGRAM ABAP: Program run checks . The latter is used for general program authorization checks.

In HR reports, these checks are carried out in addition to the HR infotype authorization check.

HR: Reporting , however, overrides the HR infotype authorization check for selected reports, with the result that the authorization checks are weakened or completely switched off.


In your company, the authorization for infotypes is, for example, independent of the authorization for specific organizational units (one administrator may be authorized to access address, personal and education data only for personnel area 0101 – but not for address data in personnel area 0101 and personal data in personnel area 0102). If you enter 1 in the Degree of simplification field, the above facts are taken into account in the specified report and the check is carried out more quickly for a user with this authorization.

If certain HR reports are not critical (telephone lists etc.) and authorization protection is not required, enter the report name and = * in the Degree of simplification field. The system then checks whether the person starting the report is authorized to do so (object – ABAP/4: Program run checks), but performs no other checks (object – HR: Master data).

In your company, one user may have access to all HR infotype data. For this user, enter * in the Report name and Degree of simplification fields. The system then only checks whether this user is authorized to start the report in question but not whether he/she is authorized to display the requested HR infotype data.

A time adminstrator should carry out time evaluations (report HR: Time – time evaluation (RPTIME00) for employees with the organizational key 0001TIMEXXX . For certain additional information that is needed internally (the program user either cannot see this, or can only partially see it), the Basic pay infotype (0008)must be imported, for example, to timeevaluation. To carry out time evaluation, the administrator must therefore have display authorization for the Basic pay infotype (0008).

If the administrator is not to have display authorization for this infotype, the read authorization for the Basic pay infotype can be restricted for individuals with the organizational key 0001TIMEXXX for the report HR: Time – Time evaluation (RPTIME00). For this, use the following authorization

Object HR: Master data (P_ORGIN) (two authorizations)

Infotype 0008 ‘ ‘
Subtype * ‘ ‘
Authorization level R ‘ ‘
Organizational key ‘ ‘ 0001TIMEXXX

Object HR: Reporting (P_ABAP) 

Report name RPTIME00
Degree of simplification 1

In this way, a simple check is carried out for the authorization check infotype in conjunction with the report HR: Time – Time evaluation (RPTIME00): The infotype, subtype, level are checked, and then, independently, the organizational assignment (in the example, the Organizational key field) (according to degree of simplification 1 ). In report HR: Time – Time evaluation (RPTIME00), infotype Basic pay (0008) can also be read. However, if the check is not in conjunction with the report HR: Time – Time evaluation (RPTIME00), all fields of the object HR:

Master data (P_ORGIN) are checked together, but in this way there is no read access to the Basic pay infotype (0008). TO 2. Evaluations of the logged changes in infotype data are subject to infotype authorization checks. However, usually, someone, who starts such an evaluation, has extensive authorizations.

In this case, it is useful, in order to ensure improved performance, to do without the check of individual data and instead, grant the user global authorization for logging evaluations using the report Logged changes in the infotype data (RPUAUD00).

For this, use an authorization for the object, by specifying the value RPUAUD00 in the Report name field, and the value 2 in the Degree of Simplification field. To 3 The payment medium program of accounting processes, in particular, confidential personal data.

In addition the check to see whether the user is authorized to start the program, a check to see whether the corresponding authorization exists for the object is also carried out, as an additionl security measure : The name of the payment medium program must be entered in the Program name field, the value 2 (or * must be entered in the Degree of simplification field.

Field Details:

Report name
COARS Degree of simplification

Object: P_APPL HR: Applicants

Fields: INFTY Infotype
SUBTY Subtype
AUTHC Authorization level
PERSA Personnel Area
APGRP Applicant group
APTYP Applicant range
VDSK1 Organizational Key
RESRF Personnel officer responsible for application


This object is used for the applicant data authorization check. This check is carried out when INFTY applicant infotypes are edited or read. When a transaction for editing applicant data is accessed, the system first checks whether the user has the minimum authorization. Depending on the transaction this may be write authorization or read authorization ( AUTHC_D authorization level = ‘*’ or R). If the user has the minimum authorization, a further and more detailed authorization check is carried out within the transaction itself.

Field Details:

INFTY Infotype
SUBTY Subtype
AUTHC_D Authorization level
PERSA Personnel area
APGRP Applicant group
APTYP Applicant range
VDSK1 Organizational key
RESRF Personnel officer responsible for applicant

Object: P_ORGIN HR: Master Data

Fields: INFTY Infotype
SUBTY Subtype
AUTHC Authorization level
PERSA Personnel Area
PERSG Employee Group
PERSK Employee Subgroup
VDSK1 Organizational Key


The object HR: Master data (P_ORGIN) is used for authorization checks of personal data. Checks are performed only when INFTY HR infotypes are edited or read.
When you call up a transaction for editing of personal data, the system checks that you at least have one read authorization ( AUTHC_D authorization level R). If you do, a more specific authorization check is carried out within the transaction. In HR reports that use the

Program run checks and UO.P_ABAP HR:

Reporting must also be taken into account.

Note that values specified for the individual fields do not generally contain other values. The value ‘ ‘ must therefore be specified explicitly. The value ‘ ‘ must always be used for the subtype field (reason: the field is initial if the infotype does not support any subtypes, or if the subtype has not been specified).

Field Details: 

INFTY Infotype
SUBTY Subtype
AUTHC_D Authorization level
PERSA Personnel area
PERSG Employee group
PERSK Employee subgroup
VDSK1 Organizational key

Object: P_ORGXX HR: Master Data – Extended Check

Fields: INFTY Infotype
SUBTY Subtype
AUTHC Authorization level
SACHA Payroll Administrator
SACHP Administrator for HR Master Data
SACHZ Administrator for Time Recording
SBMOD Administrator Group


The object HR: Master data – Extended check (P_ORGXX) can be used to check authorization for personal data INFTY (HR infotypes) This check is not active in the standard system. The program switch HR: Master data – Extended check (ORGXX) can be used to add this check in the standard system or set it as an alternative to UO.P_ORGIN HR: master data . The main switch settings can be processed using transaction HR: Authorization switch (OOAC)

Field Details: 

Administrator for the person being processed (stored in the
organizational assignment infotype)
SACHA Payroll administrator
SACHZ Time data administrator
SACHP HR master data administrator
SBMOD Administrator group

View of data: 

INFTY Infotype
SUBTY Subtype
AUTHC_D Authorization level (write, read, write with lock indicator, unlock).

Object: P_PCLX HR: Clusters

Fields: RELID Area identifier for cluster in tables PCLx
AUTHC Authorization level


This object is used in the authorization check when accessing PCLx (x = 1, 2, 3,4) HR files using the PCLx buffer (interface supported by HR).

Field Details: 

Cluster ID: enter the cluster name in this field. Authorization level: in this field you must specify the operation to be carried out on the cluster along with the cluster ID specified above.

The values which can be entered here are R (read), U (update database) and S (export data to PCLx buffer without database update).